What the actual f_ck?!

A blog about my journey having and, thank God, beating breast cancer at 34.
Real talk only.

By Ali Din

Hi, I’m Ali.

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 33 years old.

I’m not a celebrity documenting this experience. I’m not in my 40s, 50’s, 60’s, 70s, etc., and I’m not a Mom living for my children (gasp – so much to discuss on this topic).

I’m 34. Thirty freaking four.

I can’t help but respond to this truth with “WTF?!” hence the name of my blog.

According to the Susan G. Komen site, “rates of breast cancer are low in women under 40. About 4% of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. are younger than 40… Rates are highest in women >70.” It would seem I’m an outlier. But…

Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate.

Please get checked.
Pro tip: book an ultrasound in addition to your mammogram!

Due to these odds, it’s been difficult to find women to connect with that relate to my age and life stage. So…

Welcome to my blog! I present to you a digital diary of my journey; my experiences, medications, treatments and general trials and tribulations, of going from a horrifying breast cancer diagnosis to cancer free. Halle-freaking-lujah!

This blog is my outlet. Some days I’m really lonely. Some days I’m ok. Some days I am so angry and some days I am all of these things varying by the hour. That Tamoxifen though… IYKYK. But most importantly…

Some days I feel good, hopeful and blessed.

All I can do is try to keep pushing forward, one day at a time, get through my treatment, and try and focus on the positives, because there are many.

I’m still here and that’s a huge blessing.

I am grateful to God, my Mom (my angel), my AoA, and the universe for keeping me here. And, my rock, my husband, my Fazal, who has stuck by my side each and every day of this rollercoaster, thank you, I love you.